2024 VIAAA Aspiring and New Athletic Directors Workshop


This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview designed for the new athletic administrator, an aspiring athletic administrator or any athletic administrator desiring a refresher. The philosophy is to assist the athletic administrator in the many and varied duties associated with the position. If you have just been hired, been on the job for a year, switching schools, serve as an assistant, or simply hope to join the profession one day - come and join us, you won't regret your decision! High school/middle school and public/private Athletic Administrators are all welcome.

The workshop will introduce various topics of the trade, provoke thought, and provide resources for the year and your career. The workshop will be presented over a three-day span - starting at 12 NOON on July 16, 2024 and concluding at 12 NOON on July 18, 2024. Topics addressed will include Financial Procedures and Budgets, Human Resources procedures, Legal Issues, The First Year Experience, NIAAA certification, Getting Organized with Staff - Office - Community - Events, Independent School-specific Topics and VHSL-specific Topics. A tentative schedule will be available soon.

Event Overview

The registration fee is $250 (on or before July 8 - after July 8th there will be an additional $75 fee). Each participant will leave with a resource drive to utilize throughout their first year and beyond. There are only 40 available seats for the workshop.

Hotel: Reservation information will be emailed to you upon registration.

For more information or questions: contact Jonathan S. Bukva, BukvaJS@pwcs.edu or Lisa Corprew, lcorprew@vbschools.com. Anyone wishing to register after the July 8th deadline will need to contact Jonathan Bukva or Lisa Corprew directly.

Jul 16, 2024 - Jul 18, 2024 In-person 12PM - 12PM EST

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